Contact information

Dr. Jens Kleimann
Theoretische Physik IV
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
44780 Bochum
Room: NB 7/30
Phone: +49-231-32-23799
Fax: +49-231-32-14177
eMail: <> (work-related)
My Threema ID: 2VPU727B   (I will not use What'sApp. Don't ask.)
My OpenPGP public key: Jens.Kleimann-pubkey-0x74CCF42F.asc

You can use this key to send me a securely encrypted email. PGP (pretty good privacy) uses a pair of two keys: The public key published here, which you can use to encrypt your email to me, and a private key, which I can then use to decrypt and read that message. No one else can do that, because nobody else is in possession of my private key.


Opinions expressed on these pages are solely mine, and are not necessarily shared by University of Bochum or the Institute of Theoretical Physics at RUB, where these sites are hosted. All data are provided without any guarantee of accuracy or completeness. If you wish to copy/reproduce any of my images, movies, talks, or posters, I ask that you please contact me first.

Utmost care has been taken to ensure that the content of all external pages linked to from these pages were in accordance with European and German law at the time of writing. If this should no longer be the case for a given link, it will be removed as soon as possible. However, I refuse to accept any responsibility whatsoever for the contents of external pages linked to from these pages.

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