Seti-Area51 banner
Hi out there!

This page summarizes the history and current status (as of December 2005) of the Seti@home (S@H) activities going on at the Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics IV at the University of Bochum, Germany.
In Februar 2000, when I was doing my Diploma thesis at the Institute, I got permission to use the idle computing time of our Institute's internal network to contribute to S@H. During the last years, the number of installed clients has varied, at times reaching a total of sixty-seven (!) number-crunching little critters. (The current grand total is 46.)
As of November 2005, more more than 112,000 workunits have been completed in 125 years of CPU time, placing our current ranking just within the top #1000 of 5.4 million total users. In May 2000, I joined the team of Area51, which has been leading the University's ranking list since.
With S@H's transition to the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC), all clients were migrated to the new system before the final shutdown of S@H classic on December 15, 2005. To ensure that no idle CPU time is wasted, selected machines have additionally been attached to Einstein@Home as a second project.

Things to see & do on this page:

For questions/comments feel free to contact me.

(last modified 14-Dec-05 // JK)